INDICATIONSLocal inflammations, acute and chronic, of catarrhal and purulent nature, with swelling of the glands. Sudden infections and high fever, wi..
DescriptionSarada Sarcream Antiseptic Cream is used as an antiseptic cream, useful for sunburns, pimples, marks, simple burns and scalds, cuts, bacter..
Indication: Armofer MP oil is a safe and effective hair care solution that nourishes the hair roots, promotes hair growth, reduces dandruff and retard..
Indications: All Tumours malignant or benign Regenerator of diseased Tissues (Tuberculous Ulceration).Dosage: Take 15 to 20 Drops in half cup of water daily 3 times before meals. Or as directed by the Physician...
Indications: A Lipoma is a slow-growing fatty lump that’s most often situated between the skin and the underlying muscle layer. Lipoma Drops help in removing or reducing lipoma size Prevents formation of new lipomas. Relieves pain and neurological discomfort associated with some forms of lipoma.Dosa..
Indications: Cyst formations on the ovaries, ovarian tumours, polycystic ovarian syndrome, Dull, aching or sudden, sharp pain in lower abdomen, Irregular menstrual periods, Pain during intercourse or bowel movements.Dosage: Take 50 Drops in half cup of water daily 4 times for 4 days. After 4 days ta..
Indications: Fibroids present with abnormal uterine bleeding, Pelvic pressure, Menorrhagia, or Menometrorrhagia, Compression of the ureter leading to renal compromise, Hard mass in the lower abdomen accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation.Dosage: Take 50 Drops in half cup of w..
Indications:Enlargement of thyroid, axillary, inguinal & mammary glands, spermatic cord, tonsils, & lymph nodes.Stony hard painful goitre.Mastitis in breastfeeding mothers with cracking and small ulcers about nipples.Mumps, follicular inflammation of the pharynx, adenoma.Tumour and growth of..
Symptoms: Affections of the ovaries, intermittent pain in ovarian region (Illiacfossae) shooting to legs, inflammation, Cysts, tumors, adnexitis, Salpingitis induration cervix, soreness in uterine region, Chronic metritis, parametrits & prolapsus. Uterus enlarged and fills up whole Pelvis.Dosage..
Symptoms: Fibroid Tumour, cancerous growth in uterus. Haemorrahages from the womb, ulcers and induration of the uterus, enlarged ovaries, Leucorrhoea, pustules on genitals, carcinoma of the breast, uterus and ovaries, Metritis, premature menses. Habitual abortions, cancer or ulcers of the cervix.Dos..
Indication: The medicine act favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elicited. Or symptoms of the disease itself exist.Doses:- (1) 5-10 Drops with water 3-4 times daily, in chronic cases same dose in ..
Indication: Numerous small nodules (a small swelling or aggregation of cells in the body) under the skin, Cauliflower excrescences of os uteri, with flying pains, Patient tends towards malignancy and inveterate skin disease. Gouty nodosities.Doses:- - 15 to 20 Drops with..